Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 4, 2014
Digital ISBN-10:1631120662
ISBN-13:978-1-63112-066-4-ONLY Perma FREE
Purchase link : http://www.5princebooks.com/buy-links.html
A Gift for Chloe
Linda is the one who holds her
family together. She’s an absolute rock—at least, she was until her daughter announced her pregnancy (wait, isn’t 40 way
too young to become a grandmother?) and delivered the news that the baby has
Down syndrome.
Now she finds herself standing in
the middle of a bookstore, floundering to regain her equilibrium as her
carefully ordered world tumbles willy-nilly around her. Instead of making a
relatively simple decision about which book to buy, she’s spent an hour
waffling between two titles and trying (and failing) to come to grips with this
new reality she hasn’t had nearly enough chance to prepare for. It’s not that
she hasn’t already fallen head over heels in love with baby Chloe, but this is
something she’s not equipped to handle—she can’t even choose a self-help book
on the subject, for goodness’ sake.
Her friends and the medical
professionals blithely insist she’ll forget all about special needs the moment
she sees her grandchild for the first time. Even the too-good-to-be-true,
optimistic fellow customer she encounters in the aisle of the bookstore seems
to think she’s worried over nothing.
This handsome stranger is
obviously compassionate and knows a lot about Downs, but Linda is in no way
interested in striking up a conversation with him, let alone a friendship, no
matter how intriguing he is… until he performs a random act of kindness she
can’t ignore.
About Susan Lohrer
Susan Lohrer grew up in more towns in western Canada than
she has fingers to count them on. She currently lives in southern BC with her
husband of more than two decades, their two teenagers who are still at home,
three dogs, and far more aquariums than a reasonable household should contain.
She believes life is always better with a healthy dose of humor.
Website: http://www.susanlohrer.com
Twitter: @susanlohrer
E-mail: susan@susanlohrer.com
Have you got a secret hidden so deep that thinking about it threatens to overwhelm you?
Lindsay Harper lives in West Yorkshire, England with her
husband and four Springer Spaniels. She has two grown up children and three
grandchildren. She now writes full time and this is the third book in the ”How
To …” romance series following best friends Robyn and Denizon through the
trials and tribulations of life. When she’s not writing she practices
Homeopathy and is a House Doctor. For fun she enjoys walks by the water, yoga,
cooking, DIY, 60’s retro and anything romance.
Available from 5 Prince
Publishing www.5princebooks.com books@5princebooks.com
Genre: Fiction/Romance/Contemporary
Release Date: September 4, 2014
Digital ISBN-10:1631120646 ISBN-13:978-1-63112-064-0
Print ISBN-10:1631120654 ISBN-13:978-1-63112-065-7
Purchase link : http://www.5princebooks.com/buy-links.html
Have you got a secret hidden so deep that thinking about it threatens to overwhelm you?
Bethany Forrester and Denizon
Cartwright are mother and daughter but they haven’t seen each other for thirty
five years. Not since Beth gave Denizon up for adoption when she was two days
“How to Have a Happy Marriage”
tells the story of how they find each other and their lives and loves along the
way – from the stormy relationship between Beth and her husband to Denizon’s
quest for true happiness and real love.
We follow the ups and downs of
the pair as they struggle to fit each other into their already complicated
Will it be a happy ending for
either of them?
Find out in the final chapter of
the “How to …” series of books.
About the Author

How to contact the author
Twitter -@harperpublishin
Facebook – LindsayHarperauthor
You Tube - Lindsay Harper How to Have an Affair
Excerpt of How to Have A Happy Marriage
Chapter 1
Forrester finished the last page and closed the book – “How to Have a Happy
Marriage”. She sighed contentedly as she realised this book, out of the entire
“How to…” series was the most relevant to her. She bought Jay Trethedick’s
first book, “How to Have an Affair,” after seeing him on Breakfast Time last year. Even though she couldn’t personally
relate to the topic she had been very impressed with his theories … plus he was
very easy on the eye.
Sadly, the
topic of divorce in his second book resonated all too well. Her divorce had not
been amicable – far from it, and she could remember rushing through the three
hundred pages just so she could tightly pack away all her memories of that time
in a box and bury them deep.
But this
book was different and each page had been a pleasure to read as it reminded her
of the wonderful man she was now lucky enough to be married to. The first page
always made her smile and she opened the book to read for the thousandth time,
the Recipe for a Happy Marriage.
1 tbl spoon
of Sex
1 level tsp
of Humour
A touch of Compromise
A pinch of
Take a
couple of individuals in love, add all ingredients, mix together and cook for
the rest of your life on earth at 100%.
She thought
the concept was so sweet and would love to meet the man who could write such
sentiment. There were just two ingredients on the list she was missing, but
only one of them played on her mind. The first was sex, but that didn’t really
bother her, if she was honest. Adrian, her husband was approaching sixty – ten
years her senior – and his sex drive started to diminish not long after his
fiftieth birthday.
At first,
she took it personally but eventually came to realise it was the pressure of
running his own plumbing contractors business and being on call 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
She knew it
was nothing to do with her, as whenever they took a well-deserved holiday and
he relaxed, he couldn’t get enough – and she was usually glad when the
fortnight was over so she could get some rest.
What did
bother her was number one on the list of ingredients – honesty. She had been
keeping a secret from everyone she had ever met for all her adult life. It was
such a major part of her that, most of the time, she didn’t think about it,
until at times like this when it reared its ugly head. One day I’ll tell someone but not yet … it’s not the right time. But
sadly, it never was.
Just then
her phone rang. It was Leo, her twenty-four year old son from her previous
‘Hi, Mum,
can I borrow your car?’
Where’s yours?’
‘Er …’
‘Let me guess,
your dad’s borrowed it.’
‘His is in
the garage. He promises to have it back this week.’
Beth had
heard her ex-husband’s promises before.
‘But I need
it to collect the girls from school.’
‘If I do
that, can I?’
‘What’s the
urgency? You usually walk to work or Adrian picks you up.’
Leo was one
of Adrian’s best plumbers and had worked with his step-father since leaving
school at sixteen.
‘Cat has got
somewhere to go this morning.’ Cat was Leo’s live-in girlfriend who Beth had
never really approved of. She reminded her too much of herself at that age. The
girl was only eighteen and Beth was sure she was only with Leo to escape her
controlling parents.
‘So it’s Cat
that wants to borrow my car?’
‘Er … yes,
but she daren’t ask you in case you said no.’
Beth sighed.
‘I could
give her a lift, would that do?’
‘But that
would mean her having to tell you where she’s going.’
‘Yes, is
that a problem?’
‘I’ll have
to ask her.’
‘Can’t you
borrow your own car for a couple of hours?’
‘No, Dad’s
gone away until Friday.’
‘So how’s he
going to get his own car back today?’
bother, Mum, if it’s too much trouble. We don’t want to put you out.’
This is just so typical. I’m the bad guy
again. I’m sure his perfect father could commit double homicide and Leo would
defend him.
‘Okay, I
suppose so … could she have it back by school time?’
Mum, you’re the best.’
‘Only when
you want something.’
‘Don’t be
like that. You know you love me really.’
That’s the problem – sometimes I think I
love you too much.
‘What time
are you coming to collect it?’
‘I thought
you could drop it off on your way to work.’
‘Did you
now, and how pray am I going to get to work?’
‘Cat will
drop you off.’
‘Okay, I’m
just getting ready. I’ll be there in forty-five minutes.’
‘Can you
make it half-an-hour. Her appointment’s at ten in Glastonbury.’
‘I’ll see
what I can do.’
So instead
of the leisurely breakfast she planned, she ran upstairs to take a quick
shower. Adrian always dropped the girls at school on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday when Beth worked. It saved her dashing around and gave her an hour to
get her head together before her busy day. She had recently cut her hours down
to three days during the week and all day Sunday since appointing the most
brilliant manager for her thriving little coffee house on the high street in
Street, Somerset.
Up to the
beginning of the year, she had worked seven days a week trying to get the
business established. When she took it on, it was an ailing cafe serving a menu
of fat, fat and more fat. She had completely refurbished the inside with her
husband and invented a whole new healthy menu.
It had taken
a while for the locals to get used to eating paninis instead of bacon butties
with lard, but eventually, they had seen the light and she had built up quite a
regular clientele of tourists and visitors alike. Now she loved going to work
and was finally living her dream instead of feeling the burden and stress of
the stone around her neck she felt at the beginning.
were the busiest times and she always liked to be in before ten to help the
chef prep the salads and make the soup of the day. Between the three of them,
the Cafe Sorrento was finally making
the profit she had told her bank manager would be achievable when he finally
granted her the business loan over a year ago.
nine-fifteen she was on her way to her son’s flat. He only lived ten minutes
away, but traffic on the Glastonbury road was usually busy until at least ten
o’clock. Cat was waiting outside, looking at her watch as Beth pulled up.
‘Thanks, Mrs
F. You’re a life saver,’ Cat said as she got in the driver’s side.
‘So what’s
with all the secrecy?’ Beth asked.
Cat didn’t
speak as she looked in the mirror before pulling out into the traffic.
‘Are you
okay, Cat? You look a bit pale.’
‘I’ll be
‘Are you
sure you don’t want me to come with you? I’m sure they can cope without me at
work for a while.’
hesitated. ‘Er … no, I’ll be fine.’
couldn’t imagine it could be anything other than some sort of hospital
appointment because if it was something simple like an interview it wouldn’t be
shrouded in such secrecy.
‘Well if
you’re sure. Leo could’ve asked Adrian for the day off, you know.’
‘We didn’t
want to make a fuss.’
‘Watch out
for that car!’ Beth braced herself waiting for the impact, but luckily, Cat’s
young reflexes were sharp and she pulled up with inches to spare. Everything
tumbled off the back seat into the foot wells.
‘Sorry Mrs
F, maybe I shouldn’t be driving.’ Cat pulled the car onto the side of the road.
worry. It’s always mad at this time in a morning. Everyone goes too fast.’ Beth
reached across and stroked Cat’s arm. At that moment she seemed no older than
Beth’s youngest daughter … so naive and vulnerable.
don’t ask me anything, but will you drop me off at West Mendip Community
Hospital? I’ll get a taxi home.’
Beth was
desperate to know what was going on but she respected Cat’s wishes and said,
‘Of course I will. I’m here if you need to talk or I’ll come and collect you.’
‘Thank you,
that’s kind.’
They swapped
places again and Cat reached into the back to retrieve all her handbag contents
that were strewn about the floor and under the seats.
‘I think I’m
missing a lip gloss. If you find one, it’s mine.’
‘I’ll have a
look when I get back to work.’
Beth pulled
up in the visitor’s car park. ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to come in with
Cat shook
her head. Her hands were shaking as she opened the door. Just before getting out
she reached across and kissed Beth’s cheek.
‘Thanks, Mrs
F, for being so nice. I know we haven’t always seen stuff the same way but
you’re really cool for a mum.’
sweet of you to say, and remember if you want me to come back for you, I will.
Just ring me anytime.’
Cat closed
the door behind her and walked off as slowly as if she was heading a funeral
Beth was
reluctant to leave her in this state. But what more could she do? So as soon as Cat disappeared through the
revolving doors, she drove away. She parked in her usual car parking space
outside work and remembered that Cat had asked her to look for the rogue lip
gloss. Under her seat all she found was an old Maynard wine gum, which she was
tempted to eat, as it was a red one – her favourite colour. The lip gloss was
under the passenger seat hidden under a paper tissue. As she reached along the
floor, fumbling for the lip gloss, her fingers touched a piece of card. She
pulled it out and saw it had the Marie Stopes logo on the front and an
appointment for ten o’clock.
‘Shit!’ She
slammed the car door, forgetting to lock it and ran into work.
‘Can you
cope without me for a bit? I’ve got somewhere urgent to go,’ she asked Carol,
her manager.
of course Are you okay?’
‘I am, but
someone else isn’t. I haven’t time to explain now. I’ll be back as soon as I
can.’ Beth turned round and dashed to her car, speeding back up the Old Wells
Road to the hospital. She turned on the hands free kit and rang Leo’s number.
‘Hi, Mum,
did Cat get off okay?’
‘Do you know
where she’s going?’
‘Of course I
do. Why, do you?’ he asked tentatively.
‘Yes. I’ve
found her appointment card. Why is she going to the Marie Stopes clinic?’
‘Oh fuck! We
didn’t want to tell anyone until it was all over.’
‘You mean
you’re letting your girlfriend have a termination and you can’t even be
bothered to go with her?’
‘She said
she’d be fine, and we’ve got a big plumbing job on.’
couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. ‘How can you be so selfish? Have you
any idea what the poor girl’s going through?’
‘Chill, Mum.
It’s no big deal.’
‘No big
deal! How dare you. I thought I’d brought you up better than that. It will be
the worst ordeal of her life so far, and I doubt anything will ever beat it. If
you know what’s good for you, you’ll drop what you’re doing and get to that
hospital by any means you can. I’ll see you there.’
‘Okay …
okay. I get it, you’re mad, but don’t take it out on me. She told me she was on
the pill. We don’t want a baby … she wants to get rid of it as well.’
couldn’t speak for the tears.
‘Mum, are
you still there? … Why are you so upset?’
‘I’ll see
you soon.’
So much for burying my feelings deep
underground in a box. It was over thirty-five years ago, yet right now she
felt as bad as when she was waiting for them to call her name. Then, she didn’t
have a friendly face offering to go with her … she had an angry, disappointed
mother who, all the while in the waiting room, kept telling her she’d brought
disgrace on the family.
Poor Cat …
she was facing this ordeal all alone. As Beth got out of her car she saw it was
already ten thirty. Please be running
late! Quickly, asking the receptionist where the clinic was being held, she
ran to the lift. Typical, the clinic’s at
the other end of the bloody corridor. She was out of breath as she rang the
buzzer to be let into reception.
‘I’m looking
for Miss Catherine … er … Sykes,’ Beth asked the receptionist.
‘And you
partner’s mother. He’s been held up in traffic and is on his way.’
‘I’m sorry,
you’ll have to wait here. She’s already gone into surgery.’
Beth put her
head in her hands and sobbed.
‘Are you
okay? Would you like a glass of water?’ The receptionist came round the desk
and led Beth to a seat.
‘Sorry. I
would please. Is it too late to change her mind?’
receptionist paused and, trying to be as gentle as she could said, ‘She doesn’t
want to change her mind. You know this isn’t her first appointment. We do an
awful lot of counselling before we carry out any procedure … Do you want to
talk to someone?’
‘I’ve never
talked to anyone in thirty-five years.’
‘So wouldn’t
now be a good time to start?’
Beth didn’t
go back into work – she couldn’t – she felt totally drained. After dropping Cat
and Leo back at their flat she went home to be by herself … her staff could
cope – it was only one day. While the kettle was boiling, she kept looking at
the card on the kitchen work top reminding her of the counselling appointment
the receptionist had made at a sister clinic … thirty-five years too late.
After making herself a strong coffee, she went to sit in the beautiful
conservatory looking out over her long cottage garden with distant views of
Glastonbury Tor and thought about her morning.
She expected
Cat to be devastated after her procedure, but all she saw on the young face was
relief. Beth could understand why she didn’t want a baby at eighteen … she
hadn’t wanted one at thirteen, but unlike Cat, she couldn’t go through with it.
She had screamed and shouted so much, embarrassing her mother even more, that
the whole trip was aborted not the baby.
Luckily, it
was the 1970’s and most of the mother and baby units had closed down which
meant Beth had to stay at home – a prisoner in her own house for nine months.
The baby girl was taken off her at birth and given to deserving parents and the
whole sorry incident was never mentioned again. Beth continued her education
and was a good girl until she found someone to marry her and then she was off,
at not much older than Cat was now.
Beth sat in
the same armchair all day until it was time to collect her two precious girls
from school. What she couldn’t give her first little girl she lavished on the
two she had. Leo was always accusing her of spoiling them and treating them
better than she ever treated him. She knew he was speaking the truth, but she
couldn’t help it. She had to make it right somehow.
Tuesday was
hectic after school – Amy, who was eight, had ballet and tap and Annabelle, who
was the eldest at ten, had choir and gymnastics. Eddie Stobart’s Logistical
Haulage Contractors couldn’t do a better job of organising the schedule than
she did. Each activity was precisely planned down to the last second, and if it
all went without a hitch – which it usually did– they were back in the house
totally exhausted by eight o’clock, ready for supper and bed.
supervised bed-time while Beth made the evening meal.
‘Ooh … I
know what I forget to tell you. You know that author you’ve just been reading,
he’s appearing at the Glastonbury Christmas Book and Craft Festival,’ Adrian
said as he sat down at the table to a plate of home-made moussaka.
‘You mean
Jay Trethedick?’
‘Yes, that’s
‘Wow. Do you
know how I can get any tickets?’
‘Da … da.’
Adrian said as he pulled two tickets out of the back pocket of his work
trousers. ‘It’s for his Creative Writing workshop.’
‘How did I
manage to be married to the most wonderful man in the world?’ Beth walked round
the table and gave her husband a kiss.
‘Just lucky
I guess?’
‘Are you
coming with me?’ she asked.
‘I don’t
think it’s really my thing. I got two tickets in case you wanted to take a
friend, or maybe you could invite your mother?’
‘What? So I
could hear her moan about how he wasn’t as good as her favourite author. No,
she’d only spoil it … I might see if Cat would like to come with me. I think I
made a breakthrough with her today.’
‘So tell me
what’s been going on with Leo today? He ran off site like a man possessed.’
finish eating first. It’s a long story and might put me off my food.’
For the rest
of the meal they kept the conversation light – with Adrian doing most of the
talking about his day of plumbing. At times like this she was glad she really
loved him, as it was the only reason she would tolerate hearing about a
dripping stop-tap and sticking ball-cocks.
‘So?’ Adrian
said as they took two cups of coffee into the lounge.
‘Leo rang me
this morning to ask me if he could borrow my car. It turned out it was actually
Cat who needed it to go to a hospital appointment. You’ll never believe, she
was only having an abortion on her own! So I phoned Leo and told him to get
down there if he knew what was good for him. I’m sorry if it left you in the
‘No, we
managed. He never said anything … An abortion and you knew nothing?’
‘I don’t
think I’d know now if she hadn’t dropped the appointment card in my car. When I
dropped her off I could tell something was bothering her, but I never guessed
it would be that. What are we going to do with him?’
‘I don’t
know what you mean. What can we do with him? He’s a grown man.’
‘But fancy,
letting the poor girl suffer all that on her own. I thought I’d taught him
better than that.’
‘Have you
spoken to him?’
‘Not on his
own. I tried to be gentle with them both when I collected her. Apparently, she
hasn’t even told her mum she was pregnant.’
‘Do you want
me to have a word with him, man-to-man?’
‘I don’t
know what to do. I’m only sorry he felt he couldn’t talk to me about it first.’
‘He probably
thought you’d try and talk them out of it.’
‘Why would I
do that?’
‘Because I
thought you didn’t agree with abortions?’
‘No, that’s
not true. I wouldn’t have one, but I don’t think it’s right to interfere in
anyone else’s decision.’
raised his eyebrows. ‘At the risk of having my head bitten off, is that
strictly true?’
‘Why do you
know me so well?’ She laughed. ‘I suppose I might have put forward the
alternative viewpoint.’
‘Hence, why
they didn’t tell you.’
‘But Leo
tells me everything … or he used to before he started going out with Cat.’
‘Is that why
you’ve never warmed to her... because she took away your baby boy?’
‘I don’t
know. I’ve not thought of that before … but maybe. I saw a different side of
her today … I think I may have misjudged her.’
‘I’ve always
liked her. I think she’s good for him. He’s so laid back … I’m sure some days
he’d never get out of bed.’
‘Yes, she
does seem to motivate him, and he does love her.’
‘I know you
think she’s using him, but I think she loves him as well.’
‘From now on
I will try harder. I never want a repeat of today.’
‘I assume
they don’t either … But don’t you think it was sensible of them? Neither of
them is ready for a baby, she’s only eighteen – far too young to be thinking
about motherhood. They’ve got the rest of their lives to have children.’
sometimes these things happen and you can’t get rid of something just because
it’s not quite the right time.’
love. I didn’t mean to be heartless. Has today upset you more than you’re
letting on?’
‘I suppose
it’s been such a shock … I could’ve been a grandma,’ she said resting her chin
in her hands.
‘You’re too
young to be a grandma. I, on the other hand, am just the right age to be a
granddad. I keep hoping Toby will tell me he’s ready to settle down.’
‘I doubt
that. He’s too busy travelling the world.’
‘But he’s
thirty-five next birthday.’
‘You were nearly
fifty when we had Annabelle.’
‘I know. I’m
hoping he doesn’t take after me.’
‘Surely two
young girls is enough for anyone your age?’ She laughed.
‘Oy, watch
it! I think we’d better change the subject! … Do you want to watch something on
‘Is there
anything on?’ She picked up TV Chat
and looked.
‘I love you,
Bethany Forrester.’ He winked at her.
‘And I love
you, “The man for any job”… Here’s the remote, you choose.’
Adrian’s snoring got so unbearably noisy it was agreed that Beth would sneak
out of bed and go sleep in the guest bedroom – tonight was one of those nights.
It didn’t help that Beth’s mind was working a double shift. During a large
percentage of her day to day life, she could put to the back of her mind the
little girl she had given away by pretending it never happened to her – it
happened to a friend. But after everything that had transpired during the past
twelve hours, putting it out of her mind was impossible.
Over the
years she had been tempted on so many occasions to search for her daughter, but
was too terrified of the outcome. Maybe today was an omen. It was also one of
the main reasons she had agreed to go for counselling. The receptionist at the
Marie Stopes clinic said all the ramifications of the adoption could be
discussed at the appointment and any help she needed could be given to her
Ever since
Beth had given her baby up for adoption she had kept a diary of her life – so
one day the daughter she couldn’t keep could learn all about her birth mother.
She hadn’t written in it every day. In fact, she had hardly written in it this
year. It was hidden on the bottom shelf of the airing cupboard in a pillow
case. She had chosen that specific hideaway because she could guarantee no-one
would ever choose to change their bedding or towels voluntarily.
putting the landing light on, she crept along the hallway and opened the door
to the airing cupboard. Sliding her hand along the bottom shelf she felt for
something hard. She pulled the pillow case containing the diary out from
underneath a thick pile of towels and crept back to the guest bedroom to read
it. The diary was a loose-leaf A5 Filofax which had been added to over the
years – it was now over three hundred pages long. In the past she’d thought
about publishing it, because even though she said so herself, it was a
scintillating read. Maybe, I could have a
word with Jay Trethedick and ask for his advice when I go and see him. Only a
month to go before I meet my hero. Come on, no daydreaming. You need to write
about today.
She opened
the diary at a clean page and started to write.
Dear Denise,
‘Well, what
a day …’
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