Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a happily married mum of one with two crazy dogs and a passion for all things tartan. Scotland has been my home since 2012 and I absolutely love the place. Writing took over my life after the relocation and I haven’t stopped since!
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
I love the whole character creation part of writing. Getting to know
the people I invent and choosing their personalities is great fun! In fact
after writing Bridge Over the Atlantic my hubby and I re-visited the location
of the book in the Highlands and standing on the bridge made me quite
emotional. It almost felt like Greg was going to come walking toward me with
Angus his dog. Greg is still my favourite character of all – but shhhh don’t
tell the others! ;-)
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I actually do a little bit of both! I start off by planning but then
the story or the characters usually take me off at tangents and the whole plan
goes out the window! But I do try to use a timeline for events and I stick to
that as I find it really helps with continuity.
How would you describe yourself if you were “speed dating”
your readers?
I’m scatterbrained and I can’t talk the hind leg off a donkey but I’m good
fun to be around usually!
What’s something fans would find fascinating about you?
My other passion is singing and I actually perform in a duo with a good
friend who plays guitar. We have done a couple of support gigs but recently we
performed our first headline gig which was great fun!
How do your family and/or friends feel about your book or
writing venture in general?
My mum and dad are so very proud of me and they make sure I know it as
often as possible. Rich, my hubby was the one who encouraged me to give writing
a shot in the first place and he is my first beta reader. He’s also the person I bounce all of my ideas off. I
think my friends were a little surprised when they discovered I was writing my
first novel but now I’ve finished my sixth they take it in their stride and
some are beta readers for me which is wonderful. I feel very fortunate to have
such a supportive group of people around me.
Please share with us your future projects and upcoming
I am hoping my next release will be a companion novel to Bridge Over
the Atlantic called Bridge of Hope. In this book you will get to know Greg a
little more as it’s written from his point of view.
Where can readers find you?
Twitter: @LivingScottishD
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LisaJHobmanAuthor
Website: www.lisajhobman.co.uk
Unrequited love is the biggest heartache…
Lily and Adam have been best friends since the dawn of time. Well, the dawn of their time. Okay…since primary school actually. Everyone accepted them as best friends. Until one day, aged 18, Lily made a fateful discovery. She was head over heels in love.
With Adam.
Her unrequited feelings are hard to deal with initially but become even harder when Lily inadvertently introduces him to the love of his life. It all started as a bit of a joke thanks to the other woman's name.
Many years later and Adam is once again single and heartbroken and Lily is there to help him pick up the pieces. Her methods are sometimes a little unorthodox and lead to ridiculous consequences.
Can Lily help Adam move on and find happiness again? And can either of the friends recover from losing the love of their lives?
Sometimes the one thing you want is way out of reach.
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